We can definitely agree that MCCC or Master Controller Command Center is one of the most frequently used Mods for The Sims 4. If you have Discover University and feel like it's just not quite hard enough, you can adjust that here as well. Download Here: MC Command Center - All Modules Version 4.3.1. Keep in mind that the mc_cmd_center.ts4script is always required. If you are running Sims 4 Legacy Edition then you'll want to use MC Command Center 6.6.0 (Legacy Edition Release). ALSO, if the MC Command Center mod files are more than 1 sub-folder deep in the mods folder, the Sims 4 game will not load the scripts and run them so you will get no errors and no log files, it just won’t run. "Teen Employment Range:" 40, 60 Related Articles: Sims 4 Best Expansion Packs Installing MC: Command Center. Plenty of us in the community who play The Sims 4 on PC like the additional layer of control in Gameplay that certain Mods provide. MC Woohoo - Version 4.3.1 (optional if MC Woohoo features are wanted). The creator for Sims 4 Mc Command Center brings all new and latest versions for the game mod. All settings for mc command center and its modules can be located by. The additional modules are all optional depending on what functionality is desired in the game. There are three files in the MCCC folder named mc_cmd_center, the mod files (package and ts4script), and the text/log file, which is the file (highlighted in blue) to … MC Command Center is an expansive mod for Electronic Arts’ Sims 4 that allows you to take control over even the smallest part of the world you have created.